Saturday, August 16, 2008

Art and Its Difficulties-Is it True that Anyone can be an Artist - by Annette Labedzki Portfolio

Well, I’m just not so sure if anyone can be an artist. Just because you can draw or teach yourself to paint a small landscape doesn’t mean you’re an artist. I think there is so much more involved than most people know. Being an “artist” is such a loose term nowadays and anyone can use the term. I use this analogy: my husband studied sciences and then dentistry; it took him ten years to graduate. Now just because I can floss my teeth does not make me a dentist. This is my strong opinion about art. Creating a few drawings does not make a person an artist. That’s not to say that they couldn’t become an artist; if they studied their craft, improved their skills. This takes years and years on a path of self-discovery. I think of course that genetics plays a role in this as well. Being an artist means being unique, expressing yourself in a way that no one else ever has. This is extremely difficult. Discovering who you really are as an artist; and then to be able to express this in the medium that best describes you. Top that off by also being great at what you do. Now you have a recipe for a very assiduous and difficult task. How do you know whether it’s sculpture, painting, acting, writing or dancing, that you want to pursue? These are difficult and confusing questions you have to ask yourself. If I twirl around in the living room does that make me a dancer and if I sing in the shower does that make me a singer? I don’t think so! I think the difference is to call yourself or to tell other people that you are a doctor; you need a few degrees to prove it and a license to practice but to call yourself an artist or tell other people that you are an artist all you need is a pencil and one drawing.

Joseph Beuys was famous for saying “Jeder mensch ein Kuenstler”/”Everyone is an artist” however his remark is very misunderstood. He didn’t mean that literally everyone is an artist, nor did he mean that everyone has the ability to become an artist. He also didn’t mean that we can obtain this artistic creativity just by being a human being.

What he meant by “everyone is an artist” is that in societies many questions and problems arise and no matter if we are a politician, worker, child, or painter we always look for the best possible solution to any given situation. To look for the best possible solution is the most important question in art. This is then the common thread between  artists and anyone else; to find the best possible solution to any circumstance in art and in life.

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1 comment:

maxcp5 said...

"I think there is so much more involved than most people know about art"

I agree with this...text art is overlooked by many who draw. The Letter A is an angle in geometry and means "Art" in our words. The bar in the A is an evauation bar and the little "a" is a circle the root of the alphabet you can see the patterns as "e O Q p R C d D" that remind our senses of the circle. The circle is the root in our creation from the atom to ourself to the sun(star)....

P means peace in our words..and that Art. Everything is geometry "gas ,soilid , and liquids"
I have a alphabet chart for futher reading at my home page

Mike Artist Freno Ca