Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Notes from an Art Student, September 8th,1988-In Search of Inner Peace - by Annette Labedzki

absolutearts.com Portfolio

The student’s project is called “In Search of Inner Peace.” She decided to paint a face to see how well she would execute the image without actually having a model before her. She left her eyes uncovered by wire because the eyes are searching and asking the questions. They prove that she is in fact SEARCHING. The wire is a symbol that in fact she does not have inner peace at the moment. The lock is a symbol of her being locked within herself. She is on the journey of self-discoveries. She also wants to be locked into solitude until she finds the inner peace. The lock is a symbol of protection. She doesn’t want any negative influences that could prolong her quest for inner peace. When the wire and lock unveil themselves she definitely portrays a peaceful feeling. Again, the artist wanted to keep the project as simple as possible. In order to bring her point across in a clear and concise manner! Some people might think she is in prison but that is not what the art student had intended to express. Who knows she might add or change something before Monday when the project is due, but for now she will just analyze it the way it is and see what happens…Right now she is trying to decide whether or not she should add little portraits at the top of her head to represent the different parts of her which she is trying to unite. The wire over her mouth symbolizes silence. Silence is not negative but rather positive. Silence is the condition of being quiet or silent, absence of sound.

Susan Sontag wrote “ By silence (the artist) frees  himself from servile bondage to the world…Once he has surpassed his peers, his pride has only one place left to go , the craving for silence is to be superior to everyone else. It suggests that the artist has had the wit to ask more questions than other people, and that he possesses stronger nerves and higher standards of excellence.”

The artist feels that one of the safest ways to achieve inner peace is to be silent for awhile. Sometimes it is healthier to listen rather than speak. She decided to add the circular wooden pieces to the back of the canvas and paint them to match the portrait. These circles will symbolize parts of her mind where she can relax and search for inner peace.

As far as the colors are concerned; the polka dots show that the student is having fun! Black is beautiful, red is warmth and yellow is peace.


About the project the class said: trapped, sickly color of skin, spiritual, polka dots threw him off, trapped within the fashion world! The critiques are wonderful. It’s really important to give critiques and to receive critiques. It is important to hear what individual people think! One girl said the color “yellow” of the girl’s skin made her look sickly. Even though the student didn’t really agree with her, it nevertheless is interesting to know that one can fall into traps like that. The student could have portrayed the girl “In Search of Inner Peace” in such a way that she doesn’t look trapped. Given the time allowed to creating the project there wasn’t enough time to be objective. Then also the art student’s objectivity is still only subjective! Sometimes negative minds look at things negatively and positive minds see things in a positive manner.

Please visit my website at www.labedzki-art.com. Other artists are welcome to join. Click on the "join for free" button at the very top for further instrctions.

kind regards,


absolutearts.com Portfolio

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